Working in Canada is no longer a dream for many workers, especially those in the new technology sector.
Many companies are recruiting, but you must meet a few criteria in order to apply in Canada.
The State of the Canadian Labour Market
Canada is one of the industrialized countries with a particularly low unemployment rate: in the country as a whole, this rate was 5.2% in March 2019 and even reached 2.2% in the province of Quebec.
This situation of near-full employment keeps the economy going, but the side effects are beginning to be felt: more and more sectors are facing a labour shortage that is sometimes glaring.
The information technology sector is one of the fields that seeks to recruit abroad to develop its competitiveness. Today, it is estimated that there are approximately 6,000 vacancies in the information technology sector. According to the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC), the the number of new hires in this sector is expected to be approximately 44,000 by 2021.
Working in Canada: Differences from France
If you have acquired skills in the field of information technology, working in Canada can be a real opportunity to advance your career and find fulfilling work. career quickly and find fulfilling work.
However, you must be prepared to experience a different work environment than in France.
In Canada, the work atmosphere is generally more informal and informal and the working hours are more flexible than in France.. Most workers are present from 9am to 5pm; after this time, everyone enjoys their interests outside the office. outside the office. For example, the concept of reconciliation between work and family is much more established than in Europe.
The recruitment and payroll procedures are also lighter and contracts are usually done verbally with a weekly payroll. The management of your finances is therefore slightly different.
You must also be prepared to benefit from less paid vacations than in France: most Canadians legally benefit from two weeks of vacations per year, even if this figure can evolve with seniority and is more around 4 weeks in the IT field.
Which work permit should I use to work in Canada?
To work in Canada as a developer or in any other job that is recruiting, you will first need to apply for a work permit. There are several types of work permit, depending on your profile: the International Experience Canada (IEC) offers three possibilities.
For those who are not yet 35 years old, the PVT (working vacation permit) is the easiest to obtain and offers the most flexibility: accessible to 18-35 year olds, it allows them to work anywhere in the country for two years and for any employer.
Invitation rounds randomly select lucky winners based on the available quota. Problem: the applications are so numerous that some people never receive their never receive their WHP. However, other solutions are possible.
If you already have a job offer for a temporary job of up to 24 months, the young professional permit allows you to work and stay in Canada for up to two years. This is the preferred work permit for IT talent because it is easy to obtain and because you can be reassured when you arrive in Canada with a signed work contract.
For students, the equivalent of the young professional visa is the Coop International internship.
How to find a job and work in Canada?
If you want to move to Canada, you have two options: find a job before you leave to benefit from the Young Professionals Visa or apply for a WHP and look for work once you are here.
In any case, you will have to apply and comply with the hiring rules of the country.
If you are in the information technology field, you can use Mapla free support program that connects ICT workers with Canadian companies that are hiring.
If you prefer to do all the work yourself, you will need to format your CV to meet the rules of the Canadian job market and, above all, to highlight your motivation and your other activities.
Recruiters are interested in your background as well as your human values. In addition, find out about the latest updates in terms of immigration on the Canadian government website.
In any case, we strongly advise you to be guided by international mobility experts who know the specificities of the province you are looking for.
Mapl guide you in your job search to work in Canada.
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Don't hesitate to sign up to our free support program.
We are here to guide you in all phases of your expatriation to Canada. We facilitate all the steps (job search, visa, relocation...) We help you to realize your dreams!