How to succeed in a video job interview

How to succeed in a video job interview

If, as a developer, "job interview" rhymes for you with anxiety, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll look at how to prepare yourself for this crucial stage in the recruitment process. A few tips and tricks...
The cost of living in Montreal

The cost of living in Montreal

You have an expatriation project to the biggest French-speaking city in America and you wonder what the cost of living is in Montreal? Perfect! You've come to the right place. What if we told you that Montreal is THE city when it comes to professional opportunities and...
Implicit status in Canada

Implicit status in Canada

Aaah the famous implied status in Canada... If you're a temporary resident in Canada or a die-hard Canadian immigration blogger, you've probably heard of retained status. It used to be called "implied status". Yes,...